About me
My name is Victoriya Forsythe and I am a research physicist at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory. I investigate the upper atmosphere, called the ionosphere, that surrounds the Earth starting from ∼80 km of altitude and extending all the way into the exosphere. Unlike our neutral atmosphere, the ionosphere has free electrons that refract the electromagnetic waves, such as military Ham radio waves, making it crucial to know the amount of these free electrons to plan the communication during operations.
I analyze data from radars and satellites, merge it with models using Data Assimilation techniques, develop novel modeling software, and perform scientific investigations of the ionosphere.
This website is a part of my Outreach project to support the choice of female students towards a career in physics.
Ph.D. Space Physics, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Sep 2013 - May 2017.
B.S. Physics, Utah Valley University, Aug 2010 - Aug 2013.
M.S. Management and Economics, Moscow State University of Trade and Economy, Sep 2004 - May 2009
Research Physicist, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, DC, 2021 - present.
Research Scientist, Atmospheric and Space Technology and Research Associates (ASTRA), CO, 2019-2021.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Geophysical Institute, AK, 2017-2019.
Graduate Research Assistant, Geophysical Institute & University of Alaska Fairbanks, AK, 2013-2017.
Plasma, Space Physics and Aurora, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, September-October 2016, 4 lecture course.
Plasma, Space Physics and Aurora, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, April 2016, 4 lecture course.
Teaching Assistant, General Physics II (PHYS 212), University of Alaska Fairbanks, Spring 2015.
Teaching Assistant, General Physics I (PHYS 211), University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fall 2014.
D. R. Allen, D. Hodyss, V. V. Forsythe, S. E. McDonald, Low latitude monthly total electron content composite correlations, J. Space Weather Space Clim. 13 7 (2023), doi:10.1051/swsc/2023005.
Hughes, J., Forsythe, V. V., Blay, R., Azeem, I., Crowley, G., Wilson, W. “J.”, et al. (2022). On constructing a realistic truth model using ionosonde data for Observation System Simulation Experiments. Radio Science, 57, doi.org/10.1029/2022RS007508.
Forsythe, V. V., Azeem, I., Blay, R., Crowley, G., Gasperini, F., Hughes, J., Makarevich, R. A., & Wu, W. (2021c). Evaluation of the new background covariance model for the ionospheric data assimilation. Radio Science, 56, doi.org/10.1029/2021RS007286.
Forsythe, V. V., Azeem, I., Blay, R., Crowley, G., Makarevich, R. A., & Wu, W. (2021b). Data Assimilation Retrieval of Electron Density Profiles from Ionosonde Virtual Height Data, Radio Science, 56 (5), doi: 10.1029/2021RS007264.
Forsythe, V. V., Azeem, I., Crowley, G., & Themens, D. R. (2021a). Ionospheric Vertical Correlation Distances: Estimation from ISR Data, Analysis and Implications for Ionospheric Data Assimilation. Radio Science, 55, doi:10.1029/2020RS007177.
M. F. Marcucci, , I. Coco, S. Massetti, A. Pignalberi, V. V. Forsythe, M. Pezzopane, A. Koustov, S. Longo, D. Biondi, E. Simeoli, G. Consolini, M. Laurenza, A. Marchaudon, A. Satta, A. Cirioni, A. De Simone, A. Olivieri, A. Baù, Alberto Salvati, (2021), Echo occurrence in the southern polar ionosphere for the SuperDARN Dome C East and Dome C North radars, Polar Science, 28, doi.org/10.1016/j.polar.2021.100684.
Forsythe, V. V., Azeem, I., Crowley, G., Makarevich, R. A., & Wang, C. (2020c). The global analysis of the ionospheric correlation time and its implications for ionospheric data assimilation. Radio Science, 55, doi:10.1029/2020RS007181.
Forsythe, V. V., Azeem, I., & Crowley, G. (2020b). Ionospheric horizontal correlation distances: Estimation, analysis, and implications for ionospheric data assimilation. Radio Science, 55, doi: 10.1029/2020RS007159.
Azeem, I., Crowley, G., Forsythe, V. V., Reynolds, A. S., Stromberg, E. M., Wilson, G. R., et al. (2020). A new frontier in ionospheric observations: GPS total electron content measurements from ocean buoys. Space Weather, 18, doi:10.1029/2020SW002571.
Forsythe, V. V., Duly, T., Hampton, D., & V. Nguyen (2020a), Validation of ionospheric electron density measurements derived from Spire CubeSat constellation, Radio Science, 55, doi:10. 1029/2019RS006953.
Forsythe, V. V., and R. A. Makarevich (2018), Statistical analysis of the electron density gradients in the polar cap F region using the Resolute Bay Incoherent Scatter Radar North, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 123, doi:10.1029/2017JA025156.
Forsythe, V. V., and R. A. Makarevich (2016b), Global view of the E-region irregularity and convection velocities in the high-latitude southern hemisphere, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 122, doi:10.1002/2016JA023711.
Forsythe V. V., and R. A. Makarevich (2016), Asymmetry in the Farley-Buneman dispersion relation caused by parallel electric fields, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 121, doi:10.1002/2016JA023390
Forsythe, V. V., and R. A. Makarevich (2015b), Dual radar investigation of E region plasma waves in the southern polar cap, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 120, doi: 10.1002/2015JA021664.
Makarevich, R. A., V. V. Forsythe, and A. C. Kellerman (2015), Electric field control of E region coherent echoes: Evidence from radar observations at the South Pole. J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 120, 2148–2165. doi: 10.1002/2014JA020844.
Forsythe, V. V., McDonald, B. A., Kuhl, D. D., Dymond, K. F., Fritz, B. (2023), ANCHOR: A Novel Data Assimilation Model at NRL, CEDAR, San Diego, CA, 25-29 June.
Forsythe, V. V., McDonald, S. E., Drob, D. P., Fritz, B. A., Dymond, K. F., Burrell, A. G. (2023), IRI in Python for Rapid Global Runs Global-IRI, CEDAR, San Diego, CA, 25-29 June.
Forsythe, V. V., McDonald, B. A., Kuhl, D. D., Dymond, K. F., Fritz, B. (2023), Assimilative Modeling of the Ionospheric Layers, IES-2023, Alexandria, VA, 9-11 May.
Forsythe, V. V., Fritz, B. A., Dymond, K. F. (2023), Ionospheric data assimilation of ultraviolet photometer data for the Coordinated Ionospheric CubeSat Experiment (CIRCE), AGU, Chicago, CA, 12-16 Dec.
Forsythe, V. V., McDonald, S. E., Drob, D. P., Fritz, B. A., Dymond, K. F. (2023), IRI in Python for Rapid Global Runs B-ANCHOR, IRI-2023, Daejeon, South Korea, 15 -19 May.
Forsythe, V. V., McDonald S. E. (2022), Ingestion of Radio Occultation Dara for Ionospheric Data Assimilation, CEDAR, Austin, TX, Jun 19-24.
Forsythe, V. V., McDonald S. E. (2022), Ingestion of Radio Occultation Dara for Ionospheric Data Assimilation, ISEA-16, Kyoto, Japan, Sep 12-16.
Forsythe, V. V., (2022), Ionospheric Correlations and their Importance for the Ionospheric Data Assimilation, Dartmouth College, Mar 1, 2022.
Forsythe, V. V., Azeem, I., Crowley, G., Makarevich, R. A., & Wang, C. (2020). The global analysis of the ionospheric correlation time and its implications for ionospheric data assimilation, AGU 2020, December 9, virtual.
Forsythe, V. V., Azeem, I., Crowley, G. (2020). Model Covariance Matrix Formation: Vertical Correlation Length, CEDAR 2020, June 22, virtual.
Forsythe, V. V., Azeem, I., Crowley, G. (2020). Model Covariance Matrix Formation: Horizontal Correlation Length, CEDAR 2020, June 22, virtual.
Forsythe, V. V., Duly, T., Hampton, D., and V. Nguyen (2019), Comparison of Ionospheric Electron Density Retrieved from Spire Global Radio Occultation Data with Arecibo Incoherent Scatter Radar and Digisonde Measurements, Poster presented at the CEDAR 2019, June 19, 2019, Santa Fe, NM, USA.
Forsythe, V. V., and Hampton, D. (2019), Spire Global Radio Occultation Data: Capabilities and First Results, AMS 2019, January 9, Phoenix, AZ, USA.
Forsythe, V. V., and Makarevich, R.A. (2018), Estimation and Statistical Analysis of the 3-D Electron Density Gradients in the Polar Cap F Region Using the AMISR, COSPAR 2018, July 19, Pasadena, CA, USA
Forsythe, V. V., and Makarevich, R.A. (2017c), Asymmetry in the Farley-Buneman dispersion relation caused by parallel electric fields, URSI 2017, August 21, Montreal, Canada.
Forsythe, V. V., and Makarevich, R.A. (2017b), Farley-Buneman dispersion relation asymmetry caused by parallel electric field and parallel density gradient, SuperDARN 2017, June 6, San Quirico d’Orcia, Italy.
Forsythe, V. V., and Makarevich, R.A. (2017a), Velocity distribution analysis of the E region irregularities and zonal component of convection in the high-latitude Southern Hemisphere, SuperDARN 2017, June 5, San Quirico d’Orcia, Italy.
Forsythe, V. V., (2017b), High Frequency Backscatter from the Polar and Auroral E-Region Ionosphere, PhD defense at University of Alaska Fairbanks, March 09, 2017, Fairbanks, AK, US.
Forsythe, V. V., (2017a), Space Physics and Radar Studies of the Ionosphere, Research seminar for on-campus interview at Utah Valley University, February 24, 2017, Orem, UT, US.
Forsythe, V. V., and Makarevich, R.A. (2016f), Global view of the E-region irregularity and convection velocities in the high-latitude southern hemisphere, Poster presented at the AGU 2016 Workshop, December 12 – 16, 2016, San Francisco, CA, US.
Forsythe, V. V. (2016e), Space Weather, Four talks given at HAARP Open House, August 27 2016, Gakona, AK, USA
Forsythe, V. V. (2016d), Introduction to space physics and ionospheric research, Talk given at Utah Valley University, August 19 2016, Orem, UT, USA
Forsythe, V. V., and R. A. Makarevich (2016c), Analysis of the decameter E-region irregularities and the plasma convection in the southern hemisphere, Poster presented at the CEDAR 2016, June 19-24 2016, Santa Fe, NM, USA.
Forsythe, V. V., and R. A. Makarevich (2016b), Analysis of the decameter E-region irregularities and the plasma convection in the southern hemisphere, Talk given at the SuperDARN 2016 International Conference, May 29-June 3 2016, Fairbanks, AK, USA.
Forsythe, V. V., and R. A. Makarevich (2016a), Dual radar investigation of E-region plasma waves in the southern polar cap, Talk given at the SuperDARN 2016 International Conference, May 29-June 3 2016, Fairbanks, AK, USA.
Forsythe, V. V., and R. A. Makarevich (2015a), Dual radar investigation of E-region plasma waves in the southern polar cap, Poster presented at the CEDAR 2015, June 21-25 2015, Seattle, WA, USA.
Forsythe, V. V., and Makarevich, R.A. (2014), Observations of the high-velocity echoes from the polar E region with new Antarctic SuperDARN radars, Poster presented at the CEDAR 2014 Workshop, Seattle, June 2014.
Forsythe, V. V., and Makarevich, R.A., Bistatic HF radar investigation of plasma waves in the polar E-region, Poster presented at the SuperDARN 2014 Workshop, Svalbard, May 2014.
Volunteer work:
Volunteered to teach a course on Plasma, Space Physics and Aurora at Osher Lifelong Learning Institute:
OLLI University of Denver, CO.
OLLI University of Alaska Fairbanks, AK
OLLI Florida State University, FL
OLLI University of Arizona, AZ
OLLI George Mason University, MD
OLLI Boise State University, ID
Invited lecturer at the HAARP Open House, Aug 27 2016, Gakona, AK, USA
Tour and Presentation of Poker Flat Research Rocket Range for Japanese Tourists, Feb 01, 2017, for YASUI/AIE TOURS.
Tour and Presentation of Poker Flat Research Rocket Range for Japanese Tourists, Feb 08, 2016, for YASUI/AIE TOURS.
Tour and Presentation of Poker Flat Research Rocket Range for Japanese Tourists, Mar 21, 2015, for YASUI/AIE TOURS.
Teaching Space Physics at Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) during COVID-19 pandemic time.
Student Representative at CEDAR steering committee, 2016-2017